As professional therapists and medical practitioners, we are committed to being students of the craft. We are all required and are committed to ongoing training and continuing education. We want to understand the discoveries of research and long to be as effective as possible with our clients.

We are also Christians. We believe He was fully God and fully man, lived a sinless life and became a substitute for each of us on the cross, paying the price for our sin and was raised again three days later and continues to live and is active in the world through the person of the Holy Spirit.

We hold the value and sanctity of all human life. Throughout Scripture, we find God intervening when humans blow it because of selfish endeavors. When this happens injustice and evil prevail. Such selfish agendas create trauma in individuals, races, genders, nations and certainly the unborn. Each life has immense value to God and to us. Your life matters. Your pain matters. But, your healing, recovery and redemption matter too.

The term “Christian Counseling” has taken on meaning that is highly interpretive. To us it means we take you where you are and love you with the unconditional love of Christ. We respect that you are in the midst of your own Spiritual Story and each person needs different things at different times along the way. It means that although our methods are rooted in science, our motives emerge out of the Story of redemption, of which God is the Author and Jesus is the Hero. The Bible is the ultimate authority and prayer changes us and changes things.

What this does NOT mean: we will not judge, preach, condemn, criticize or accuse. There are times we may or may not have conversations that involve Scripture and times we may pray with you. We are always willing at your request.